Friday, May 11, 2012

Hiding From Royalty: Part 9

Written by Aizess

Darkness draped heavily around Hannah as the eerie silhouette of the castle walls loomed in the near distance. What am I doing? How on earth am I planning to save Isabella? What if…?

Not for the first time, doubt wormed into her mind. Resolutely, she shoved it away. With God’s help I shall rescue Isabella. “I just need to find her, and then we need to plan her escape, and then she needs to leave the castle grounds without detection while I continue to hide undercover and- argh!” Her exasperated sigh hovered in the stillness. She had no idea how she was going to rescue Isabella.

But she knew she would.

God’s peace in her spirit confirmed that truth.

She halted at the edge of the dense woods that surrounded the castle. She leaped off her horse, Buttercup, and tied her to a tree trunk. Falling to her knees in the damp earth, she prayed inwardly for strength, courage, and God’s help in rescuing her sister. Afterward, she settled comfortably against another tree trunk to wait and watch for her sister. Only the owls, crickets, and cool night air accompanied her. And the castle guards.


Tonight was the night. Isabella tied her sack of meager belongings to her back and checked to make sure that the rope was secure. Silently, she dropped to her knees one last time beside her mat and pleaded with the Almighty for His protection and her success. Rising quietly to her feet, she tiptoed to the bottom of the tiny window and allowed herself one last look at the sleeping girls in the dark, dank room.

If I could rescue them all, I would. Her eyes landed on the slumbering form of her friend Maria.

You could rescue... one.

She heard the Lord’s voice so clearly that she looked around the room to see if anyone had spoken. Snores and heavy breathing answered her. She felt the Holy Spirit prompting her to help Maria escape.

She walked towards her, being careful of the other sleeping girls, and lightly touched her cheek. The sudden coldness of Isabella’s hand on Maria’s lukewarm cheek jolted her awake.

“Shh.” Isabella placed a finger over her mouth.

Motioning Maria to the window, Isabella pointed at the rope that swayed lightly with the breeze. Maria objected by shaking her head vigorously. Isabella countered with an equally vigorous shake of her head. Finally, she pointed heavenward with her index finger. “God,“ she mouthed. Maria’s eyes widened and she quickly grabbed her thin blanket, tied it about her shoulders, stepped unto the dresser, which contained some worn blankets, that Isabella had pushed under the window the day before, and proceeded to climb over the moss covered stone walls into the frigid night air.

Greatly encouraged by her friends bravery, Isabella stepped unto the dresser and began her climb to an uncertain future. A future of either life… or death.


  1. Oh, wow!!! Wonderful job, Aizess!!!

  2. Good job, Aizess!!!

  3. Nice!!
    Good job.
    Kathy, I hope you do not mind that I did a welcome post for Laura.
    Sorry if you do.

    1. Haha, I don't really mind per-say, LOL! I would kinda like to be the one to do it though :) I did like your welcome post!!! Good idea about putting their button on there!! :D
